About Me

Who Am I? Link to heading

Hello There! I’m Luis Gonzalo Patiño. I’m a Control engineer from the National University of Colombia, Medellín Campus.
Currently, I’m an IT Systems Administrator at Academia T&T.

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Interests and Expertise Link to heading

  • Operating Systems
  • IP and IoT Networks
  • Virtualization Software
  • Data Security
  • Low-level programming

I’ve always been fascinated by technology and to learn how it works internally and resolve problems that may appear. That’s why I have specialized in Networking, with interests in deployment of Networks, troubleshooting, design of topologies, routing protocols and learn best security practices for said networks.

I also love Operating systems: Configuration, management and see the different approaches they take. I’ve daily driven Linux for about 3 years now (Currently using NixOS). This love has also driven me to learn a lot about virtualization of said operating systems, this has been accomplished by learning (and utilizing) VMware vSphere at my current job for more than 4 years now.
At home, I use Proxmox VE, which is an open source virtualization software. Thanks to these experiences, I have a lot of expertise when it comes to configure, deploy and provide technical support to VMs. More recently, I have also learned Docker and started replacing some VMs with Docker Containers using the Docker CLI and Compose.

Education Link to heading

Work Experience Link to heading